Skin Systems Group

About Skin Systems

Skin Systems has 2 hospitals for active treatment, one in Doganovo city and one in Pirdop city, beauty center, center for aesthetic medicine, professional school for cosmetics and different medical surgeries, they have a team of great professionals and they love what they do.

They offer more than 18 plastic medical procedures and over 16 of them can be made in the center for aesthetic medicine.

Skin Systems Group
Skin Systems Group

About the project

The project is executed entirely by me, as a developer at We Work With You, it's built on WordPress, and for the goal we've used HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery and PHP, the website is adaptive to any given device and resolution, and despite it's size it maintain a really good speed.

I would say that the hardest part of the project for me were the 3D models with the procedures, which you can see on the image, and not the positioning or making them dynamic, but making them adaptive to any resolution.

This is one really ambitious project, and it's structure isn't simple at all, not the work which had to be dedicated on it too, but I am really happy that I can put my name on it.

Let's create something awesome together!

Do you have a good plan

If you think you have a good idea that I can help bringing to life, then don't hesitate to contact me anytime.

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